Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's Been A While...But I'm Back

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I spent mine in Syracuse with my husband's family. Our nephew is now 8 months old and he is adorable. Such a smiley and happy baby! He was trying so hard to crawl and we were all holding toys out for him to entice him. He came close but we didn't see it this weekend. He'd rock, put an arm forward, then tip over and resort to scooching with his arms. Very cute. My husband's aunt and uncle came down with their three little kids to visit from Canada. It was nice to see them and it was fun playing around with the kids. They also brought their dog and left it overnight because they couldn't have it at the hotel. Pepper, the dog, definitely missed the kids.

We also went to my husband's 10 year high school reunion while there. How weird is it to say we've been out of high school for 10 years! The people that showed up all pretty much knew my husband and he had a good time. It was interesting to finally put names to faces, but other than that I felt odd being at a reunion that wasn't my own. My high school was so apathetic that I doubt I'll even have one. Not even sure that I would go, I didn't hang out with anyone too much. I guess that's what happens when you go to three high schools.

I'm trying to get over a cold that I think I caught on the plane this weekend. I hate being sick, but at least its just congestion and not anything else.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

An Eerie Evening

I just had to tell everyone about our weird night on Thursday. We decided to go to dinner at Red Robin because we had several errands to run before my husband went on his trip. This particular restaurant has some raised sections that require two steps up. We were seated on one of these raised sections right next to the stairs and ordered our food. About five minutes later, the manager decided to take on two fully loaded trays, and being that he seemed to be kind-of a spaz, took these two steps too fast and proceeded to trip and stumble. Impressively, he was able to catch himself and only a grilled cheese flew off the tray. Unfortunately for him, ranch dressing spilled in his ear and down his collar. He was very embarrassed and ran back to the serving station, threw the food down and ran off to what I'm assuming is his office. He emerged with a new Red Robin polo and came and asked if we had been hit with food. We congratulated him on not spilling on us and catching himself before falling down completely.

We get our food and proceed to eat with no problems. As we are waiting for the check, this same spaz manager fills a tray full, and I mean full, of drinks and attempts the stairs again. This time he falls on the stairs, twists his ankle, spills all the drinks, gets up with no apology and quickly starts hopping through the kitchen area almost knocking down another server and her tray of food. Amazingly, none of the drinks landed on us or even got our feet wet. Our waitress was less than pleased, apologized for him and gave us our check. It was obvious that there weren't enough food runners that night, but there was absolutely no reason this manager had to be running around like a chicken with his head cut off. He's just lucky no customers were hit with anything.

After our amusing dinner we ran to the drugstore to pick up a prescription. There was a girl in front of me, so we tried on sunglasses while we waited. The girl finished her business and I was stepping toward the counter when an older woman swept in front of me and proceeded to breathlessly tell the pharmacist her name for her prescription and to call an ambulance. She was really agitated and the pharm tech was very helpful and told the woman to sit down and start by taking her meds. The woman said she needed her Xanax because she was having a heart attack. (Can we say crazy?) The pharm tech opened the bottle and started to give the woman two pills at which point the woman told her, "No 3, no 4, no 5." The pharm tech gave her four pills (four pills!) and told her if those don't work she'd give her a 5th in half an hour. The pharmacist throughout all of this was on the phone with 911 and they proceeded to ask her questions to ask the woman. The woman was very angry at this insisting she needed an ambulance. A third pharm tech then came to help me and I got my meds and left. As we walked out the door a fire truck pulled up. My husband commented that the lady would be quite pissed if she saw a fire truck instead of an ambulance. So ended our eventful evening.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hippies, and Pumpkins, and Sidewalks, Oh My!

Well, my nose finally stop leaking and my throat returned to its normal color and size. I'm so happy tomorrow is Halloween because it means that I can go to work in costume, which for me means casual day. I'm going as a Boulder hippie, complete with a dog, Free Tibet sign and Save the Prairie Dogs sign. Oh, and another surprise, but you'll have to wait until I post pictures!

I'm really behind the curve this year, I didn't get my pumpkin carved which means I didn't get pumpkin seeds roasted. So, maybe I'll do it tomorrow. Not like anyone will see it anyway, I can't put it on our stoop because I'm sure it'll be too tempting to the students. I don't want to see our brand new sidewalk decorated with pumpkin guts.

Oh, we got a new sidewalk! For a year we've been walking through a mud hole that also was breeding ground for mosquitoes this summer. After much nagging of my husband, he talked to someone and they came on the first request and decided to put a sidewalk from our front door to the street! (Its the small things that make me happy.)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


First off, I had an ultrasound done of my boob and they didn't find anything. The lady who did it told me it was probably glandular tissue that I was feeling. She seemed kind-of miffed that I came in at such a young age. But I didn't defend myself to her, my doctor told me to go so I did. He felt what I felt. She told me to come back for a mammogram when I turn 40. Forget that, I'll go in when I feel I need one. Just because I'm relatively young doesn't mean I shouldn't be screened. Cancer doesn't care about age. Anyway, I'll get off my soap box.

I've been so sick since Sunday. I woke up early (5:30 am, on a Sunday!) with a terrible sore throat. It was so swollen, I could barely breath. I stayed home from work yesterday, but I had to go in today to get some stuff done. I feel like crap. So, having said that, I think I'll go to bed.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I finally was able to get myself a sewing machine, a very basic one. I've never been great at sewing, especially since my mom banned me from using her machine when I managed to get the thread thoroughly tangled into an impenetrable ball because I didn't know how to thread the top or that there was a thread that came from the bottom. But, today I managed to use my machine with only a few hiccups. Some of that was caused by the thread being too thick. Ever since we moved into our apartment last year I've wanted one of those door jam things that keep the wind from blowing under the door. The wind gets really intense here and is always causing the windows to whistle and for stuff to get blown under the door. This apartment is beautiful, but the construction was not very detail oriented. (Like gaps under the outside door.) Anyway, those door jam thingies are really expensive and usually have something like a snowman or moose on it. Not my style, so I made one myself. It turned out to be really easy to sew, just a little tricky to fill. I used a mix of rice and beans and managed to decorate my kitchen floor in the process. But I got it all done and no more wind under the door!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Please Avert Your Eyes

So in the shower this morning I felt a bump on my boob. Of course I called my husband in to feel it, in which he had no trouble obliging. He felt the same thing and told me to get it checked out. I called the doctor to schedule an appointment. When they asked what it was for, the girl covered the receiver and yelled across the office to another woman in the background, "This girl found something on her breast and needs an exam. Should I do it today?" The unknown woman in the background said yes and told her that they only had an appointment 30 minutes from when I called. The girl got back on the phone with me very worried and told me to come in at that time. I was really not worried, and in no rush, but suddenly this girl had me thinking that I should be worried that my world is flipping upside down and I should just curl up in the fetal position and wait to die.

I get to the office and sign-in. I then begin to remember a bill from an appointment in June that my insurance doesn't cover completely. Oops. Luckily it was only $12. Anyway, the same girl that answered the phone reminds me and I pay it off. One stress off my back. I get called in to the office and ushered to the exam room where the nurse proceeds to try to sever my arm with the blood pressure cuff. (112/80 she tells me is good. Or maybe it was 120/80, I'm not sure but she tells me its good.) Then, the doctor comes in. I tell him the shower story and how I wasn't really looking for anything, my shower pouf just slipped an my fingers found the bump. (No, I was not feeling myself up as my wonderful husband insists.) Then the doc tells me to change into the wonderful gown with the back open. Lovely. When he comes back in he has me assume the position for the exam. It took everything I had to not laugh at the doctor. The whole time he was feeling around he was staring at the ceiling! To be honest, I was kinda insulted as my boobs are big and not so bad looking. Anyway, he felt what I felt and has me going to get my boobies squeezed by the mamogram machine and to get an ultrasound. My husband's friend sent him a picture of the ultrasound of her baby. I joked that I should post mine too.

Oh, and just so everyone knows, I'm not worried. This is small whatever it is and the doctor doesn't think its anything horrible. He agreed with me that it is just better to be safe. I go in Tuesday and will probably know by Wednesday. I'll keep everyone posted.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I'm starting to actually envy the students living around us. The Rockies have been doing great and the boys living upstairs have been watching ever since they made it to the wild card game. I can always tell when a good play has been made as they proceed to hoot and holler and jump up and down. Its nice that these guys are having fun without destructing the residence hall. However, this is not good when it is midnight and I'm trying to sleep so I can go to work in the morning. Normally there isn't too much noise, even when the football team wins, so I'll bear with it until the Rockies win the World Series. =)

Tonight my husband and I went to Denny's for dinner. We are that old couple. But, its nice being able to go to a restaurant where you know it'll be quiet and you don't have to wait an hour to get a table or your food. Sometimes after a long day at work its nice to have some peace and quiet. (And not have to cook!) But, after we got home I finally got down to business and cleaned our pigsty that we call a house. I'm still cleaning up wedding stuff. I thought the wedding was over when I got married; boy was I wrong. Well, I'm gonna wrap up so I can put dishes away. Yay...

Saturday, October 13, 2007


So today I went out shopping for jeans and was very upset that no one had my size in jeans. Then, when I decided to try corduroy, they were super expensive! So my dear friend and I went over to the men's section and I found jeans that fit and were much cheaper than women's jeans. The best part is that so many men's jeans look like women's jeans, so except for the people reading this, no one will know they're men's jeans! Yes! I'm never shopping in women's jeans again. When I lived in Korea I used to buy men's jeans for the same reason. Why didn't I keep doing this in the States?

I'm trying to get motivated to purge my apartment of duplicates and old stuff I just don't need anymore. Instead, I'm writing this. I find it amazing that when I have chores to do I want to write. Maybe that's what I should do to motivate me to write papers for school! (Yeah right, there's nothing I hate more than writing a paper. I'd rather be doing chores!) But, I told my husband I would clean while he was away for work, so I probably should so he won't make fun of me when he gets home!