Monday, April 21, 2008

So Happy for Sunflower!

This weekend a new Sunflower Farmers Market opened up right down the hill. I have wanted to live close to one of these stores for years! They have extremely cheap produce and a lot of organic stuff. While I don't believe that organic is better for my health, it does usually mean better quality. The prices are what make me the most happy though. I could never justify wasting gas to drive all the way to Denver to shop at one of their stores, but now that it opened here I will definitely shop there for fresh food. This weekend was a zoo as Boulder is drawn to organic markets like moths to flame. I did manage to get strawberries and blackberries for $.88 a carton! Woo hoo! I'll probably wait until the novelty dies down a little to go back.

Across the street from Sunflower is an intruiging Italian food shop in an old Sinclair gas station and garage. They still sell gas, but it is also an illy coffee shop. The food is in the garage portion. I think I'll have to make a stop there this weekend. Who can pass up cheap gas and imported food?

1 comment:

Laura said...

88 cents?! Dang! It's still 2-5 a carton here!