Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Lesson Learned

So after crying over Secretary's Day yesterday I was still feeling a little upset this morning. This morning I arrived at work feeling sorry for myself. I even mentioned to my co-worker that I was upset that nobody said anything yesterday. But, I realized I set myself up for disappointment...lame.

Then, this afternoon my boss comes and asks me to use my skills as an English major (he really must not know me) to edit and proofread a document. It turns out that said document is a commendation letter for a group of people who work in our office. Are you kidding me? After the crap you pulled yesterday, you expect me to really help you out and look over this for you? You write them a seven page document and you can't even tell me thanks? Then I started reading it. Whoa. The cover letter, which he wrote himself, was jumbled at best and incoherent at worst. I couldn't understand half of what was being said. There were statements that had nothing to do with the merits of the team he was writing about. I had to literally make an outline just to get all of the thoughts he was trying to convey. Its rare to see me write out an outline on paper, I usually make it in my head. Once I did that I managed to re-write the letter from scratch (including the address, he didn't even get that right!) and gave it to him to read. I went over the seven page document and as I was reading, realized that the team he was commending was the one to submit the support document. That's sad. I was able to whittle it down to three pages.

After my initial anger from when I found out what the document contained, it dawned on me how sad the situation was. I realized that this man had to rely on his secretary to write a letter because he couldn't. Not because he was too busy and not because he was lazy. He simply could not string two thoughts together. This isn't the first time this has happened, but it was the first time I saw it for what it really was. It made me feel pity for him. Pity that not only is he socially inept (he told me to be sure that I make a gyno appointment before I move...very awkward) but he is not very business savvy either. I wondered how he was able to land a job like this, but in talking to him and getting to know him I've come to the understanding that he always has other people do his work for him. (I'm not at liberty to divulge anymore.)

So, in a convoluted way, I received my recognition today. I know in my heart that I will never have to rely on my secretary to write something for me because I don't know how. (Assuming I ever have a secretary.) Even though he didn't know it, my boss demonstrated to me just how important I am.

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