Thursday, June 26, 2008


Well, this was the smoothest move I've made in my life. I thought that going cross-country would be a hassle, but I think the fact that I got one chance to get it done, all of our stuff was packed the day the truck was. The drive was pretty easy too. We were going to drive through Kansas City and the Midwest, but my parents and husband were worried about flooding, so we took a more southern route. We drove through Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and of course, Florida. We got through it in three days and had perfect weather and minimal road construction.

We arrived in Tallahassee Sunday evening and found a great deal at a local Best Western. Given the heat and extreme humidity, we immediately went to the pool and cooled off. (I say extreme humidity, but I've been told this is nothing.) Then, we went for good ol' BBQ. There's a regional chain called Sonny's and we ate a lot. Yum. After dinner we drove by the apartment complex we'd be living in. When I saw it, I wasn't so sure. You see, we rented this place based on the complex's website. We saw a floor plan, but not much else. The outside was okay, but old. I needn't worry though, because on Monday we got the keys and the apartment is nice. The maintenance man greeted us upon arrival and it seems he was working hard to update the fixtures in the apartment. It looks great. We are very happy with our decision.

We got everything unloaded off the truck and then hit Goodwill and K-mart to get some furniture. We found a loveseat in remarkable shape for $20! Score! We also got an end table and a bench for the entryway. At K-mart we found a dinner table with a drawer on uber-clearance and we're using it for a desk. It's Martha Stewart, so you know its pretty. So, our apartment is comfortably furnished, but definitely college sheik. Our furniture "complements" each other but doesn't really "match".

On Tuesday night we had a little visitor. It was a bright green frog. Aaaaa! Frogs? No one warned me about frogs! I expected ants and mosquitoes and even roaches, but frogs?! My mom saw it just as we reached the top of the stairs (inside our apartment) and then it jumped off into the spare bedroom. The room my husband and I were sleeping in that night. I made my dad and husband catch it before I would step foot in there. Of course, the little bugger decided to jump into one of our boxes, so they had to unpack to catch it. I gave them two little Dixie cups from the bathroom to trap him with. Eventually little froggie was caught and taken downstairs and outside far away from the apartment. We better not see him again.

During the entire process of moving, both my husband and I have been fighting off a cold. On Wednesday when I was finally able to sit and take a breath, the cold overtook my body. So I slept most of the day while my parents ran around Tallahassee and went swimming in the pool. We took my parents to the airport at 5am today and afterward I came home and slept until 11:30 while my husband dealt with the Comcast guy. I still feel pretty crappy, but it seems to be getting a little better. We also went grocery shopping this afternoon as Twizzlers and gummy bears are of little sustenance.

So, that's the story so far. There is more to tell, but I have to make the bed and unpack some clothes. I don't think Tallahassee would appreciate me walking around naked tomorrow. I miss all of my friends, but I think that Tallahassee will treat me as well as Denver did.

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