Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Don't Want Another One of These!

I was thirsty when I got out of work today and decided to stop by 7-11 for a Slurpee. Not a normal indulgence but I was craving one. When I got to the machine I saw this:

Thinking it would be like a frappuchino, I got one. What a mistake! It didn't have the consistency of a frozen coffee drink, it was like a Slurpee. I know, I was stupid but it could have at least tasted like coffee! Instead, it was like drinking frozen maple syrup. I'm not a fan of maple syrup. So, I was stuck with a whole big cup of this crap. I drank an eighth of it and gave up. Very disappointing. Next time I'll just stick with the Coke flavor. You can't go wrong with a classic!

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