Sunday, February 27, 2011

Teddy's Milestones

Teddy is getting sooo big! He's really showing a personality and for the most part it is bright and sunny. He loves to flirt and will do it with live people, a fake flower in our living room and with women on TV! He likes to chew on his fingers and often gags himself. We call him Drooly Joe because he is drooling like crazy!

About a month ago we started him on rice cereal because he was staring at us so intently as we ate. It was a decision that was concerning for me because he was only 4.5 months old, but when we fed him a very soupy version of the cereal he got a huge smile on his face and he did really well with it. Now he devours it and eats more and more every day. We'll start vegetables after he turns 6 months old which is in the next couple weeks. We're very happy we decided to start when we did and are happy there haven't been any problems.
**We started with Beech Nut Brown Rice Cereal first and I liked it because it didn't have a bunch of added junk. When I was shopping the other day the store didn't have it so I bought the Milupa Rice Cereal. It has so much added stuff, no fiber and it smells like sugar when I put it in the bowl. Teddy loves it and gobbles it down, but he liked the brown rice too and I think I'll keep with that as it kept him more "regular" than this white rice cereal does.

Within the past week he has really been reaching for toys whereas before we would have to put them in his hands. As of today he is now rolling over from his stomach to his back. He is also trying to roll from his back to his front. I'm so happy he's finally doing these things because all the books say he should have been doing these things at 4 months and he's almost 6 months now. I know each baby progresses at their own pace and that boys are sometimes a little slower but it can still be disconcerting. He is progressing just fine in the vocal department. He makes all kinds of noises and loves his new trick of squealing. He also yells and makes a guttural sound that often sounds like he's trying to hock a loogie.

He is very aware of his surroundings and studies them very intently. I can often see his little brain working hard trying to decipher what he's seeing or hearing. There have been a few times where I've been out shopping with him and he's started giggling at something. Its hard to figure out what he's so amused at sometimes, but it makes me smile back at him.

Bedtime is sometimes a struggle with him as he fights so very hard to stay awake. But, we are learning our methods and it is getting easier. Easier but not easy. However, when he goes to sleep at around 11:30 p.m. he usually sleeps until 8:00 a.m. There are times in the middle of the night where he wants his pacifier but we put it in his mouth and he usually falls right asleep.

Someday I shall write an ode to the pacifier, but for now I'll sign off. We are very happy with our little boy and are looking forward all the growing we will do with him.

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