Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Lesson Learned

So after crying over Secretary's Day yesterday I was still feeling a little upset this morning. This morning I arrived at work feeling sorry for myself. I even mentioned to my co-worker that I was upset that nobody said anything yesterday. But, I realized I set myself up for disappointment...lame.

Then, this afternoon my boss comes and asks me to use my skills as an English major (he really must not know me) to edit and proofread a document. It turns out that said document is a commendation letter for a group of people who work in our office. Are you kidding me? After the crap you pulled yesterday, you expect me to really help you out and look over this for you? You write them a seven page document and you can't even tell me thanks? Then I started reading it. Whoa. The cover letter, which he wrote himself, was jumbled at best and incoherent at worst. I couldn't understand half of what was being said. There were statements that had nothing to do with the merits of the team he was writing about. I had to literally make an outline just to get all of the thoughts he was trying to convey. Its rare to see me write out an outline on paper, I usually make it in my head. Once I did that I managed to re-write the letter from scratch (including the address, he didn't even get that right!) and gave it to him to read. I went over the seven page document and as I was reading, realized that the team he was commending was the one to submit the support document. That's sad. I was able to whittle it down to three pages.

After my initial anger from when I found out what the document contained, it dawned on me how sad the situation was. I realized that this man had to rely on his secretary to write a letter because he couldn't. Not because he was too busy and not because he was lazy. He simply could not string two thoughts together. This isn't the first time this has happened, but it was the first time I saw it for what it really was. It made me feel pity for him. Pity that not only is he socially inept (he told me to be sure that I make a gyno appointment before I move...very awkward) but he is not very business savvy either. I wondered how he was able to land a job like this, but in talking to him and getting to know him I've come to the understanding that he always has other people do his work for him. (I'm not at liberty to divulge anymore.)

So, in a convoluted way, I received my recognition today. I know in my heart that I will never have to rely on my secretary to write something for me because I don't know how. (Assuming I ever have a secretary.) Even though he didn't know it, my boss demonstrated to me just how important I am.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Warning: This is a "Poor Sarah" post. Read at your own risk.

So today was Administrative Professionals Day (formerly known as Secretary's Day). I am an Administrative Assistant. Did my boss or office do or say anything to me today? No. I've worked there four years and in that time I've busted my butt to make sure that everyone's individual birthday was recognized and that they received a cake or pie that was catered to their taste. I even went to four different diners last year to find coconut pie for my boss. Marie Calendars used to be located down the street from us but it closed and he didn't like frozen pie. In the same four years I've had one birthday recognized at the same time as two other people, in March. My birthday is in February. They did throw me a half-assed wedding shower only because I told a friend at work that I really wanted one and that the people in my office are lame. She went to my boss and asked if they were giving me one and that put the idea in his head. They served pie, frozen fruit pie. I.hate.pie. (Except for chocolate pie.)

I loved my last boss, but he needed a secretary to tell him about dates like that. I refuse to beg for my own birthday cake. So, I dealt with it but still resented that no one bothered to pay attention to me. A new guy came last fall and he made it a point to tell me that he paid attention to birthdays and Administrative Professionals Day. My birthday rolled around and not even a Happy Birthday. He knew when it was because my mom sent a huge bouquet of flowers the day before and he asked me what they were for. None of the women in my office did or said anything to me either. So, when today came up I figured my boss would make up for it. He didn't say anything. Not even a, "Good job, Sarah."

Normally I would say that this day is not fair to the other people working in the office, but they make a whole lot more than I do. A whole lot more. So, a gift card or flowers or even a stupid card makes up for me not getting paid as much as them. I work just as hard. As a matter of fact I've been working really hard on boxing up files to ship out for another one of my co-workers because she didn't have the guts to stand up to our boss in the past and do it herself years ago. Now I'm boxing up 15 years worth of paperwork and making my arms hurt every night.

I made sure to avoid all of the other admins in the building today. It was just too depressing to see all the flowers and balloons and other gifts. On top of all this, I had a telemarketer call and was extremely rude to me. I was really polite, as always, and he talked to me with attitude and hung up on me. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. Today was a sucky day.

Monday, April 21, 2008

So Happy for Sunflower!

This weekend a new Sunflower Farmers Market opened up right down the hill. I have wanted to live close to one of these stores for years! They have extremely cheap produce and a lot of organic stuff. While I don't believe that organic is better for my health, it does usually mean better quality. The prices are what make me the most happy though. I could never justify wasting gas to drive all the way to Denver to shop at one of their stores, but now that it opened here I will definitely shop there for fresh food. This weekend was a zoo as Boulder is drawn to organic markets like moths to flame. I did manage to get strawberries and blackberries for $.88 a carton! Woo hoo! I'll probably wait until the novelty dies down a little to go back.

Across the street from Sunflower is an intruiging Italian food shop in an old Sinclair gas station and garage. They still sell gas, but it is also an illy coffee shop. The food is in the garage portion. I think I'll have to make a stop there this weekend. Who can pass up cheap gas and imported food?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Is Your Baby Representin'?

I was reading The Rocky Mountain News yesterday and came across a story about a mother and father fighting over which gang their baby will be brought up in. You can read the story here. Really? Really? First of all, I'd like to know how these two came together to make a baby if they are from different gangs. And much like religion in a relationship, why didn't one just convert to the other's gang?

Actually, what I'd really like to know is if this child's household has been referred to a review by Child Protective Services. Something tells me that a baby who is around gang activity is also around other unsavory activities. What happened to Barney vs. Big Bird? Now, I know that everyone is entitled to raise their child as they please and this right should be protected as US citizens; but this just seems bad and doesn't look like it will end well. I hope an anti-gang advocacy group gets ahold of this mother and shakes some sense into her. This child deserves its "real" mother, but if she's willing to subject her innocent baby to this, then the baby needs to be taken into custody.

However, the foster system can be just as bad. Not always, I know of some great foster parents and most are, but the system is overworked. I just pray that this child will turn out as a caring, productive member of society.