Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I Don't Want Another One of These!

I was thirsty when I got out of work today and decided to stop by 7-11 for a Slurpee. Not a normal indulgence but I was craving one. When I got to the machine I saw this:

Thinking it would be like a frappuchino, I got one. What a mistake! It didn't have the consistency of a frozen coffee drink, it was like a Slurpee. I know, I was stupid but it could have at least tasted like coffee! Instead, it was like drinking frozen maple syrup. I'm not a fan of maple syrup. So, I was stuck with a whole big cup of this crap. I drank an eighth of it and gave up. Very disappointing. Next time I'll just stick with the Coke flavor. You can't go wrong with a classic!

I Want One of These!

So, I'm looking for a jacket that I can wear in the spring when weather is extremely unpredictable here. I want something light but warm and waterproof. I couldn't find anything on the websites I normally browse so I googled "jacket". It brought me to this page.

How cool would it be to have one of these at a crowded event. Or even better, at a concert. That would ensure that no one would crowd you! I'm not really that sadistic, but it is fun to think about. (My friend gave me the title of "mosh pit protector" last week and I'm sure this could only help.)

But for the intended purpose it is a cool concept. It is sad that we even have to consider a coat like this. I don't think this is something that can be purchased but I don't think I would if I could. Brainiac that I am, I would find a way to shock myself!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Customer Service

So, for those that don't know, my husband and I are moving to Tallahassee in June so that he can work on a PhD. He was offered an assistantship that will provide tuition assistance and a small stipend each month. It will be his first position where we don't have to live-in or live-on, so we are looking for housing off campus.

Let me just start by saying that I can't believe people who work on commission in such a hot housing market aren't willing to be just a little more accommodating. But then again, Tallahassee has a hot housing market. I've contacted dozens of places to at least help me in my search for a place to rent. Granted, I started looking in February which is a little early, and no one was willing to help me. Even when I call now! At least take my information so if something comes up for June you can try your sales mojo. There are a few places that wanted to talk to me but then they told me they were a tax credit property with a maximum income limit. We couldn't survive on the income restriction so I couldn't do business with them.

I even called a Century 21 realtor in Tallahassee and the lady cut me off before I could explain that they may not know what will be available in June, but if they take my info and get back to me I would be interested in using them in the future when my husband and I are looking to buy. (Hopefully next year.) Needless to say I refuse to rent or buy anything that this particular office has listed. Their loss, because I am one of those people that will tell ten friends when they get bad service. (Having worked in customer service for 5 years, I know good from bad from just an off day.)

It makes me want to go into all of the apartment complexes and property management companies in Tallahassee and set up marketing databases. (The professor I took most of my marketing classes with pounded into our brains the necessity of databases in marketing.) It just seems asinine that these places wouldn't take my info along with my anticipated rent date, how much, and size wanted. So easy to do, takes three minutes and could result in a unit being rented as opposed to sitting empty for several weeks.

We did finally find an apartment complex this month that is willing to work with us. The only problem is that we'll have to get a co-signer because I won't have established income in Tallahassee when we get there. Seems stupid that they can't just look at my employment background and see that I've worked where I have for a solid four years and prior to that worked somewhere for five years, so I probably won't flake out and just not get a job. But, there are people who do flake out so we all have to suffer. I'll just be glad when the whole housing situation is solidified.