Living in Canada is often just like living in the US, but there are little things that are done differently and it totally catches me off guard. Here is a list of some of those little differences that I've encountered so far:
- Words spelled the "British" way. Ex. "colour", "favourite", "jewellry"
- Everything gives the option of operating in English or French. Being from Texas and Colorado I'm used to Spanish being on everything.
- I'm an immigrant! Weird.
- Milk sold in bags instead of jugs.
- A distinction between debit cards and credit cards. On the same note, not being able to swipe your card while the checker is still scanning items. Annoying.
- No nationwide free long-distance calling on cell phones. Calling outside Toronto costs me 37 cents a minute! And forget calling the US, I'd have to sell our first-born, which is yet to even be conceived.
- Fees for checking and savings accounts based on the number of transactions you anticipate making a month. (Checking my balance constitutes as a transaction!)
- Poutin. (Okay, I already knew about cheese-gravy fries but I didn't anticipate falling in love. Seriously, sounds gross but sooooo yummy!)
- Ranch dressing is just different.
- Advance green. This still throws me off to no end. I don't encounter it in the city as they have turn arrows. For those who are wondering, advance green is when a green light flashes on a normal traffic light. It indicates that you can turn left. They use it instead of a green turn arrow.
There will be more I'm sure and I'm sure I've even forgotten a few. I'll keep y'all posted.
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