Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obviously Its Been a While

So much has changed since my last post, yet so much has remained the same. My husband was offered a full-time position right before the school year started and he decided to take it. Its in the same department he was doing his grad assistantship, but it is a position that required us to move on campus. So, just a month and a half after moving here and just after I had finally unpacked everything, we had to pack again and move. Luckily the department let us use a van so we could get our stuff over here. This apartment is considerably smaller than our last one but its nice and convenient to my husband's office and its free. (His office is two doors down from the apartment.)

That retail store finally called me and offered me a position with no interview. Two months after I had originally contacted them. I accepted a part-time position. I lasted three days. Embarrassing, I know, but it was the worst store in the district and the department manager didn't bother meeting me when I was hired and he didn't bother introducing me to my co-workers either. The company has totally changed and their credit practices take advantage of people who can't afford the debt. Credit cards have their place, but not to buy that cute pair of jeans or that bigger, cooler television.

Anyway, I quit the job and in mid-August and am still trying to find a job. I'm with four temp agencies and I finally was placed for a week assignment to cover for a receptionist going on vacation. I really hope that something full-time will come up.

My husband is taking classes but is only able to take two because of his full-time status. He's enjoying them but its a lot of work.

We've been having fun doing things around the campus. My husband loves college football, so he's in heaven right now going to the games every Saturday. Especially since students get in for free. The fans here do some serious tailgating so the campus has been a zoo every Saturday. We went to the game yesterday and there was a fan that was nicely asked to sit down because he was blocking the view for a group behind us. He had been drinking a lot during the game and began mouthing off. He refused to sit down and then security stepped in. They asked him to sit and he defiantly got in the face of the security guard and began angrily shouting. The security guard of course radioed for an officer who showed up seconds later. The officer motioned for the fan and said, "Come here." Angry fan guy then mouthed off some more and the officer followed with, "Come here. 1.." It was so hilarious to see that a police officer resorted to treating this guy like a three-year-old. Although, one would argue that angry fan guy was acting like a three-year-old. It was amazing how quickly angry fan guy responded to the officer putting his pointer finger in the air and counting to three. He made it to one. Luckily next weekend is an away game.